Trail Tales

Stark Library has teamed with Stark Parks to create an engaging, permanent story walk at Sippo Lake Park that the whole family can enjoy!

These stories, chosen by our librarians, feature bold illustrations, activities, and programs that you can attend at the Library or the Park. The trail is accessible for strollers, wheelchairs, or wagons!

The walk begins near the playground at Sippo Lake Park and ends at the Exploration Gateway – so don’t forget to stop by and visit your Library! Each month there is a new story to enjoy so stop by regularly.

Trail Tales is available daily from 6 am to 11pm, so gather up the kiddos and bring them down to the Perry Sippo Branch for a mentally and physically stimulating activity!

Other Perry Sippo Events

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Early Learners

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Latest Trail Tales Story

Exciting new reads for Spring and Summer!

Whether you are planning for spring break, summer vacation or just looking for something new to read - we have something for you!

Trail Tales - Past and Present

Here is a selection of picture books featured in Trail Tales at the Perry Sippo Branch. Enjoy them in the comfort of your home!

New Picture Books

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