Stephanie Cargill Shares Her Favorite Books and Inside Look at Stark Library

Published in "The Canton Repository" About Magazine
Stephanie Cargill is the Communications Director of Stark Library. Here she shares what her job entails, her favorite thing about Stark Library and what she has been reading lately. 

Q. As Communications Director at Stark Library, can you tell me what your job entails?

A. My job is to tell the story of the Library to the people who live in Stark County. We do this through a combination of printed and digital (online) materials, including our website, YouTube, social media, flyers, posters, eNewsletters, our Explore Guide, and many other ways. Thankfully, I have a team of talented individuals to help me in this endeavor.

When I was interviewing for this job, I was shocked to learn that there were many services the Library provided that I didn't know about, even though I am a lifelong Library patron. And that is my biggest challenge: making sure the people in our community understand the full story of the Library so they can access the resources the Library has to offer. There is something for everyone. The Library truly is one of the greatest assets of our community.

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