Marianna DiGiacomo Gives Book Recommendations and an Insider’s Look at Library

Published in "The Canton Repository"
Marianna DiGiacomo is the Community Services Director of Stark Library. Here she shares what her job entails, her favorite thing about Stark Library and what she has been reading lately.

Q. As Community Services Director at Stark Library, can you tell me what your job entails?

A. In my role as community services director, I lead the planning for programming, events and literacy initiatives, and I oversee organization-wide community partnerships, mobile services and outreach efforts — what I think of as the really fun things!

Q. How did you come to work at the library in your current position?  

A. I have always loved the library. My first job was working at my neighborhood library when I was in high school. From there, I went on to work as a children’s librarian and branch manager for the Akron-Summit County Public Library. I joined Stark Library in 2007 and served as youth services librarian and literacy and events coordinator prior to my role as community services director. 

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