Commentary: Stark Library Investing in the Community

OpEd from "The Canton Repository" by Mary Ellen Icaza
I love Stark Library’s mission statement: “We spark curiosity and foster knowledge by connecting everyone to resources, services, and opportunities.”

I love it because it’s not just lip service. I see this played out in everything we do at Stark Library — from author events and workshops to job search help and kindergarten readiness programs. We truly want everyone to succeed, and we want to build stronger communities with brighter futures. 

I believe one of the most important ways we can do that is by investing in our children — and one way we do this is with our annual Summer Challenge. It’s a great way to keep kids (and adults) learning all summer long through art projects, animal programs, fun challenges, and, of course, reading to earn points for prizes.

This year more than 3,300 kids and adults signed up. I was so happy to see so many families coming together for the challenge and using their imaginations to create instruments, make toys for their pets, and create beautiful works of art.

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