Brad Sayre Talks Books and Tech at Library

Published in "The Canton Repository's" About Magazine
Brad Sayre is the IT Director of Stark Library. Here he shares what his job entails, his favorite thing about Stark Library and what he has been reading lately.

Q. I understand you are the IT Director at Stark Library. Can you tell me what your job entails? 

A. I advise the strategic direction for the library district’s technology infrastructure and provide oversight and management for the project and customer (co-worker) service activities of my department. 

Examples of my focus areas would include patron service point technology, such as self-checkout or copy machines, computers for use by both staff and library patrons, internet and branch-network connectivity, and server architecture. All of this is a fancy way to say that I spend the majority of my waking moments in, or pondering about, meetings and then rely heavily on the expertise of the most high-functioning IT team I’ve ever had the opportunity to lead.

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