24/7 Library Lockers

Pick up your requested library items anytime! Simply follow these steps:

To request items:

  1. Request library items at StarkLibrary.org and choose either "Lake Branch Holds Lockers" or "Jackson Branch Holds Lockers" as the pick-up location.
  2. You'll receive notice (by phone, email or text according to your account preference) that your item is ready.
  3. Pick up the item at the lockers anytime within 7 days.

To pick up your items:

  1. Scan your library card or your digital card from your Stark Library Mobile App, or enter your card number on the screen keypad.
  2. The locker(s) containing your items will pop open.
  3. On the screen, select how you would like your receipt.
  4. Remove your items and close the locker door. Your items are now checked out to you!

Need some help?

We’d love to assist! Just call 330-452-0665.

24/7 Locker Locations

Lake Community Branch 24/7 Lockers

Enter the library and pick up your requested items 24/7 in the lockers located in the lobby. All you need is your library card number!

Jackson Community Branch 24/7 Lockers

Enter the library and pick up your requested items 24/7 in the lockers located in the lobby. All you need is your library card number!
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