Educator Services
As teachers, you deserve support for the hard work you do – and we deliver with FREE educator resources. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, homeschooler, or daycare provider, we can customize an educator unit and/or provide a lit kit to help you help your students. We can also arrange a class visit (you come to us or we’ll come to you!) to introduce kids to tech devices and other cool stuff we can provide.
Educator Card
The first step to take advantage of the FREE resources we have for you is to sign up for an educator card. Educator cards are available for:
- School and university teachers
- Teacher aides
- Home educators
- School librarians
- Teachers in nursery schools, childcare centers, or preschools
Educator cards come with excellent perks!
- Check out items for 6 weeks
- Ten lost or damaged items allowed each year (not applicable for Homeschool Educators)
- No overdue fines (true for educator and personal cards!)
Educator Units (aka, "The Blue Box")
Want books to fit each student in the class? Trying to find material tailored to what you are teaching at the appropriate reading level(s)? How about cool stuff to use for each season of the year? We are happy to curate and assemble a collection of materials just for you in a corrugated blue plastic box (our regulars lovingly call them “The Blue Box!” Simply talk to a librarian about your needs and we’ll get to work.
At least one week’s notice is requested for us to gather the materials for your class. Request your unit using the form below, or calling or visiting the location where you would like to pick them up. Units will be held for up to one week from the pickup date.
Educator Resources
Professional Development Collection
ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)
Gale Testing & Education Reference Center
Literature Kits (Lit Kits)
Lit Kits typically provide 20–30 copies of the same book for a class to read together and can be borrowed for up to six weeks. From George Orwell’s classic, “1984,” to “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” “Because of Winn-Dixie,” and “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens,” there is a wide spectrum of books that you can request. Click here for a full list of Lit Kits available. Lit Kits are available on a first-come, first served basis and may not be renewed.
Don’t see the title you want? Please call the Children’s Librarian at your Library location.
We'd Love to See You!
We love seeing you at the Library, but we can also schedule a visit to your school.
Bring your class or group to the library for a tour and/or Library instruction. Classes may reserve computers and/or books on a specific topic. You can also request a book talk or storytime!
We can teach traditional things, like how to research and what the Library can provide on-line or in-person, or we can do cool, hands-on activities with your students. You’ll be amazed at what we can do. If you have an idea, just ask us!
To request a visit, please complete the form and we’ll follow up with you to schedule a visit.
Early Childhood Resource Center (ECRC)
The Early Childhood Resource Center houses a specialized early childhood library (birth through age eight) containing an extensive collection of children's fiction and non-fiction books, big books, storytelling kits, and DVDs from Stark Library. The ECRC also has a wonderful selection of professional resource books and DVD's.
For convenience, materials borrowed from the ECRC can be returned to any Stark Library branch. All you need to borrow from the ECRC library is a Stark Library Card. It is well worth a visit!
Early Childhood Resource Center
1718 Cleveland Avenue Northwest
Educator Card Policies
- Educators may borrow materials for six weeks and may renew if not requested by another patron.
- If more than ten children’s books per year are lost or damaged beyond repair, charges will be incurred for the 11th and each subsequent item.
- Full payment is required for all lost adult, parent-teacher, and audio-visual materials.
- Any children’s material that costs over $40 may be charged at the Library’s discretion.
- The Library reserves the right to determine if an item will not be cleared.
- Home educators are responsible for all lost materials.
- The following items MAY NOT be borrowed with an Educator Card:
- Book Express books and Express DVDs
- Tech gadgets
- Kindergarten Readiness Packs
- Adult and Young Adult DVDs may be checked out for a loan period of seven days and can be renewed if not on hold for another patron.
- Educators may request items through Search Ohio and OhioLINK. All materials checked out through these services are subject to their policies. Search Ohio and OhioLINK policies, fines, and charges are determined by their consortia and cannot be waived or negotiated.
Education Resources

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