Never underestimate what you can do yourself, especially when you are backed up by the power of the Library! Whether you want to knit a sweater for your nephew, fix the clogged kitchen drain, find out why your car is making that weird noise, show your kid how to wrap presents, and so much more, we can help! Check out our excellent online resources FREE with your Library card. Help is just a few clicks away.
LinkedIn Learning
Learn skills online to grow personally and professionally for FREE. Explore thousands of courses.
Home Improvement Reference Center
Help your bottom line by developing your know-how around the house. Find directions for remodeling projects, electrical work, and more!
Take online classes to develop your artistic side with experts! More than 1,000 courses in printmaking, crocheting, painting, and more!
Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center
Are you a hobby or craft enthusiast needing directions to get your project off the ground? Search the Reference Center to find the answers.
Chilton's Auto Repair
Put yourself in the driver’s seat with maintenance and diagnostic solutions. Access step by step directions or estimate repair costs.
Kill-a-Watt Meter
Learn and save! Check how much energy your appliances are sucking up and make a plan to cut your electric bill.
Vehicle Diagnostic Code Reader
Root out car problems without paying a mechanic. Our vehicle diagnostic code reader easily determines the cause of the check engine light.
Home Improvement Materials

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