Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month Each November since 1990 we honor Native American Heritage Month in the US, recognizing the significant contributions the first Americans made to the land now known as the United States of America. What began as a singular day in the early 1900s known as “American Indian Day” has transformed into a…
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Freed Between the Lines

  “Reading can be a road to freedom or a key to a secret garden, which, if tended, will transform all of life.” – Katherine Paterson In conjunction with the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week, we’re celebrating the Freedom to Read this September 22-28. This annual event celebrates our shared freedom to choose and…
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¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! | Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!

Each year from September 15th to October 15th, we honor Hispanic Heritage Month with celebrations of Hispanic and Latino history and culture. The Latino presence in the US goes back hundreds of years, and Latinos have been fundamental in making our country what it is today with significant contributions to the fields of art …
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Library Card Sign-Up Month

National Library Card Sign-up Month is here! From Tuesday, September 3  to Monday, September 30, add a Stark Library card to your key chain for transformational experiences! We are more than meets the eye as your library card provides access to more than just books. A library card can get you access to Creativebug with…
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